Printable PDF Year 2 Primary Counting Worksheets
Year 2 counting worksheets for children in year 2. Children in year 2 are 6-7 years old. Year 2 pupils are in key stage 1. Year 2 pupils are expected to read and write numbers at least to 100. Some pupils in year 2 will be able to compare 2-digit numbers using > (greater than) or < (less than) signs. Some pupils in year 2 will be able to count in steps of 2, 3 or 5 either backwards or forwards. For example 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10, or 13, 15, 17, 19, 21. Year 2 pupils are expected to know ordinal numbers up to 100. Each file is a PDF worksheet ready to download.
3 Free Counting Worksheets
More Counting Worksheets Below...
Comparing Numbers
Comparing 2-Digit Numbers (Medium)
Comparing Numbers (Medium)
Greater Than Or Less Than (Medium)
Number Lines
10 More 10 Less
Counting In 2s 5s and 10s
Jumps of 2 5 and 10 (Medium)Ordinal Numbers
First Second Third (Medium)Related topics include: addition, subtraction and money
Counting Maths Worksheets for Year 2 Primary Maths
This page contains Primary Maths Worksheets covering Counting for Year 2 Maths. This website contains a series of printable PDF worksheets designed to be downloaded and saved.