Printable PDF Year 3 Primary Maths Worksheets

Worksheets for Primary school children in class 3. Primary school children are aged between 5 and 11. Year 3 primary school children are aged between 7 and 8. Each worksheet covers key stage 2. Year 3 maths involves children aged between 7 and 8. These primary resources are colourful and engaging. Each worksheet is given a difficulty rating; easy, medium or difficult. We provide fun and fully differentiated primary maths resources for year 3 pupils designed for children in their third year of school and focusing on foundational concepts and skills in mathematics. The topics covered include times tables, addition and subtraction. These worksheets are tailored to the specific age group, ensuring that the content is engaging and developmentally appropriate for young learners. Each file is a PDF worksheet ready to download.

Year 3 Place Value Worksheets

Comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000.

Year 3 Addition Worksheets

Adding 3-digit numbers.

Year 3 Subtraction Worksheets

Subtracting 3 digit numbers.

Year 3 Multiplication Worksheets

Multiplying 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10

Year 3 Division Worksheets

Dividing 3, 4, 8, 2-digit and 3-digit numbers

Year 3 Calculations Worksheets

Multiplying and dividing two-digit numbers mentally and with a written method. Adding and subtracting 3 digits mentally

Year 3 Rounding Numbers Worksheets

Rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.

Year 3 Fractions Worksheets

Adding, subtracting and comparing unit fractions.