Printable PDF Year 4 Primary Addition Worksheets

Year 4 addition Worksheets for year 4 maths. These year 4 addition worksheets cover key stage 2 maths at primary school. Primary school children in year 4 are aged 8-9. Each addition worksheet for year 4 maths is differentiated and fun. Each adding worksheet for year 4 maths has a difficulty rating; easy, medium or difficult. Pupils really enjoy these colourful and engaging primary maths worksheets. Pupils in year 4 are expected to add 4 digit numbers together using the column method; for example 1352 + 1434. Pupils in year 4 maths are expected to estimate the answer to sums involving 4 digit numbers by rounding to the nearest 10 or 100. Pupils in year 4 maths are also expected to solve two step problems involving inverse operations. Each file is a PDF worksheet ready to download.

3 Free Addition Worksheets

Year-4 Addition Worksheets
Year-4 Addition Worksheets 2
Year-4 Addition Worksheets 3

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Addition Maths Worksheets for Year 4 Primary Maths

This page contains Primary Maths Worksheets covering Addition for Year 4 Maths. This website contains a series of printable PDF worksheets designed to be downloaded and saved.