Printable PDF Year 5 Primary Place Value Worksheets

Year 5 place value worksheets for pupils in year 5 who are 9-10 years old. Each year 5 place value worksheet is differentiated. Pupils studying year 5 maths are expected to read, write and compare numbers at least to 1 000 000. Some pupils in year 5 will be able to count forward or backwards in powers of 10 for any given number up to 1 000 000. The exercises included in the worksheets are tailored to the specific needs and abilities of children in Year 5, ensuring that they are engaging and age-appropriate. By focusing on place value, children will learn how to read, write, and compare numbers up to the thousands place, as well as understand the significance of each digit in a number. Each file is a PDF worksheet ready to download.

3 Free Place-Value Worksheets

Year-5 Place-Value Worksheets
Year-5 Place-Value Worksheets 2
Year-5 Place-Value Worksheets 3

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Place Value Maths Worksheets for Year 5 Primary Maths

This page contains Primary Maths Worksheets covering Place Value for Year 5 Maths. This website contains a series of printable PDF worksheets designed to be downloaded and saved.